Does knowing the future enable you to protect yourself from it?

Does knowing the future enable you to protect yourself from it and is that possible at all or does it just limit you in allowing life to happen – with or without such knowledge?

The title of this post is in fact a question posed amongst the other commentaries on my original blog on serbian language. Since it is about a question that requires an extended answer, but even more so since it is about a question that is important to define, I find it necessary to address it separately… And it seems to me that this question is the essence of the truth by which reasons are more relevant than consequences. For, what does the chart of one person show. What a client, a layperson to astrology commonly thinks is… “ I am going to an astrologer so he can tell me WHEN I will change something…”, the client expects only the translation of some incomprehensible symbols, some doodles on paper, into his native language. For everything should be written there, right? Well, you see…a lot of things are written in the chart.

The events that once happened in your family, with your grandfathers; it also contains the greatest loves of not only your mother but of your grandmother as well about who you perhaps don’t even know that, although married, she was dangerously in love with some young soldier, doctor, which is why the temptation in the guise of some forbidden love today that hangs, as the sword of Damocles, over the throat of the person in question. Then she asks herself where is my love in my chart, why is every relationship I have doomed, why must I always hide my love, is it impossible for me to love a free man, who doesn’t already belong to someone – not knowing that secretly she carries within her a story that happened once already for the chart is an eternal reiteration of what once was, believe it or not… and of course, not only the chart but also our life. It is a wonder how many girls get pregnant at the same age as their mothers, it is a wonder how many young men early decide to go abroad because someone from the preceding generations left before them, while those who first wanted that challenge met with various obstacles… and while they angrily wonder “how come that person left, he won’t make it, he doesn’t have my knowledge, he doesn’t have wisdom, not to mention courage…” doesn’t know that the secret lies in the more ancient past, in the genetics of someone whose grandfathers have sailed long ago or hid out abroad. And now you are perhaps wondering what that has to do with the question in the title. Well, exactly whatever has already happened will happen again. Even a victim is something that has stayed since it has been repeating for years. And when in a male chart you see Sun in the Twelfth or in Pisces, badly aspected to Saturn, you will know that many of his ancestors were incarcerated, were victims, lived in concentration camps, were prisoners, so in these abnormal times it is easy to logically conclude that a young man who carries in his deepest being this very aspect has reason to be afraid of inability, flees from any kind of illness, death and from there he wants to celebrate life…it is clear to you that his road may be precarious and difficult , be it various prisons, certain crimes, or any given type of danger…
But that danger does not lie in any kind of courage, for anyone who knows astrology knows that there is not even a grain of strength in Pisces or in the Twelfth house. Only melancholy that can only, in the emptiness of nothing, accept absolutely everything and with a strange kind of peace enter even into the most dangerous, almost completely unaware that what he has attracted and entered is the most dangerous thing for his being and his soul. It is precisely that which can take him to prison or to a rehab clinic…

But the astrologer would be useless in his mission, in his work, if he was to stop there. If he didn’t look at other possibilities that this same aspect bares. For it is wrong beside this bleak, almost pathological need of a being with this aspect to look for Jupiter in the chart. He will not get to Jupiter for how can we discuss Will when the Sun has darkened with the torment of Saturn, how are we to talk about any kind of expansion and how do we turn the true nature of an almost misanthrope individual without will into a Jupiterian thankful optimist?
There is no other recourse but to stick to this one and only aspect that, through its confirmation in genetics obviously threatens this person with utter danger, lack of will, pushing him to vice or prison. And then the astrologer becomes a psychologist, for in the background of every phenomenon that stares at us from our charts we can find not one but a handful of symbols that enables the negation of the initial symbolism and a change through concious acceptance. And let me stay with the given example…

Therefore we have a will (Sun) that is lost and wandering and changes its identity daily, almost suffering because it can not find in itself the true force that the Sun usually promises, and here we have Saturn that presses as a rock that same will and seems to rule over it, he forces it to forget about itself, to suppress and press out even all to a grain of that solar glow that would at least for a moment generate some kind of ambition in it and threaten to, at least gifted in faith (since the sign of Pisces and the Twelfth house are strong faith), believe that a way out IS possible – and not only an illusion. Therefore, a completely limited, darkened and blinded being that nevertheless seeks a way out. That is when we should only watch Saturn. And more than what the astrologers are saying about him, or what can be found on the internet, in magazines or wherever you may read about him, it is important to know that there is no greater mission than that of Saturn, that there is no greater victim than Saturn’s and that there is also no greater illness or suffering than his. And it is clear to you that the person before you resembles almost Jesus himself in his experience of pain) because remember this: every aspect is our experience that is nothing other than the call of our various needs which live in chaos within us)…

And that is when you can talk about studies of medicine if the person is young, where Saturn will be the carrier of suffering and of all those that will wait in lines in front of his office door, because if it is destiny (that IS written in this only in the wider sense) that is when this being will on a daily level meet suffering and although at the beginning, until he accepts it, he will run away and hide from it, then let at least suffering not be his own tragic life, but the destiny of others that he will, capable of the greatest possible mission and sacrifice (Pisces) give them and help them. And in that moment, when this man for the first time helps the sick, feeds the hungry, extends his hand to a beggar, that is when the healing begins.

That is when this is not a bad aspect although it remains under the name “square”. That is why astrology lies if you lie to her, if you do not see that precisely this bad aspect and only IT is the essence of all our needs and as if reprimanding us by telling us what we should accept and what we should discard. And what is it that someone with Sun in Pisces in the Twelfth house should discard, should sacrifice? Well everything! For only the absoulute sacrifice will bring the moment when the Sun is enlivened, and that is when Saturn will bring him an even more fanatic will to be persistent in that. Not to back down. Because he knows that apart from this willing sacrifice it is slavery that awaits him. Frequently these are the genes of someone who in his family has had, as I have already said, prisoners, slaves…so in the most frequent form this is the man that works behind a machine, in warehouses and factories, where nobody know of him if you ask for him by name. For, as a shadow (Pisces) he is quiet and the object of suffering, for that is what is given to him as a strength and at the same time as destiny, so at the end of the day, is not our strength our greatest destiny and that what we are calling to us to happen, whether in the form of some woman/man or job or type of music…? And while people will shake their heads at your inquiries about him, whether someone knows him, which is impossible since he is here, spending his life in the factory his whole life, over 30 years… he, that man as if in a half-sleep is dilligently working, keeping quiet, always the first to finish, sometimes he doesn’t even go out for breakfast, always alone, or on the side… For the fate of a being not to be like that, it is clear that it can only be transformed into something else which that same aspect carries and which is much more positive for that person.
So whether someone like this becomes a top physician to whom Saturn himself will bring ambition and even glory for only Saturn, only the ones that he will save will awaken his will for life…therefore, whether he becomes a doctor, or a herb dealer or someone who will run to the ends of the world in search of his strength and with that a life that would, if he stayed here, very clearly live in the shadows for years. Fearing, but actually accepting his illness and death (Saturn). And then, and only then the Astrologer is the one that suggests the choice of the lesser of the two evils and then with turning it into something positive by accepting it and turning it into reality. And there, as the question of this text says, “knowing your destiny enables you to protect yourself from it”… although maybe it is more true that it enables you to accept it, since there is no protection. It is hard to suggest love to young people. And on that field of the most ancient need of people lie the most frequent battles, that go from the most disgusting love stories to the most fairy-tale ones that still somehow in time, especially if they transform to marriage, for that precise reason, for being so ideal, can not last. And since love is the source of a person’s greatest hope, how do you dare to take away someones hope? The hope that someone exactly like the imagined person will appear? That can not and must not be done. But to push a person into consiousness that will in time change even the love needs – that is possible. So not rarely, a girl in a bad relationship, as soon as she starts Uni or starts doing that which completely fullfills her being, stops thinking of the old partner since new ones appear before her…

When a woman has the aspect of Sun-Uranus (good) she can not find such a man if she herself is not the model of spirituality and intellect. Understand what I am telling you? Only when through intellect she starts realising her own vision, when she finds here I AM in that which is her profession, something that will make her entire being feel fullfilled and realized, it is then and only then that the image of a genius that is represented by this aspect may appear. Again, the Astrologer, instead of saying “ you know, this young man isn’t really good for you” should say “why wouldn’t you study litterature? Electrotechnics?”, whatever…or if all of that is already present, then let’s go to Masters studies…for only in the visionary intellect (Uranus) does destiny find a man for this woman, and so she maybe never will be aware that the secret reason of her studies was to in fact meet the only One that can make her happy. The future is not a matter of decision. But of recognition, or rather whether we will be able to, in the time we call the future, precisely recognise and accept the needs in which we have, often unawares, invested so much energy. And what would the different name for need be, if not experience, that would be our absolute material confirmation for what we wanted.

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