ASTRO-PORTRET: Horoskopski znaci u crtanim filmovima 🙂
Autor: Sanja Perić, astrolog
Da nema Venere u Blizancima, možda ne bi bilo ni crtanih filmova – zabave za decu. Venera u Blizancima je česta u horoskopima ilustratora, animatora, zabavljača, komičara… i evo, dok je na nebu Venera u Blizancima u aspektu sa Uranom, spojila sam crtaće sa astrologijom (Uran) – zabavite se 🙂
Glasam za škorpiju koja bi ućutkala strelca.
Ustani sine, spotičeš se o svoje noge…. :)))
U redu, umuknuću. Neki moraju sve vreme da blebeću al ja jok! Ja sam lepo vaspitan, kad tata kaže umukni ja umuknem. Ćut’o sam kao zaliven. Jednom sam skoro umro od gladi…nisam hteo da mu kažem da sam gladaaaan :))))
hahahaahhaahah moja devojka je patak daca hahahahahaah a ja ferdinand! ovo je fenomenalno…joj sanja slatko si nas sad nasmejala.
„prestani da brbljas i videces da sam ja u pravu…. duhovito, jos samo da saceka da neko nesto kaze…
Duhovito… lepo…)))))))))
Strelac ubedljivo najbolji, a i racic je bas upecatljiv. Ja sam pravi patak Daca. „Po ceo dan samo cistim, cistim, cistim i to mi je posao za patka mojih kvalifikacija“, „Drustvo? Hm, ti cak ni ne govoris engleski kako treba“, „Nemoj da sedis tu, uradi nesto“, hahaha. A oduvek me nervirao, valjda zato sto te osobine kod sebe ne volim. Kako li je tek onima oko mene? 😀
Hahahah, pa bravo Sanja. Strelac, Ovan, Devica, Blizanci… odlicno si ih prepoznala u crtacima. Slatko sam se ismejala. Inace, ja sam Blizanac – Dusko Dugousko, uvek preturam po torbi, kada krenem do trafike da kupim zvake sa sobom nosim, naocare, telefon, mp3 player, vlasnicki list stana, Izvod iz maticne knjige rodjenih….ahahh
I love myself, my TF and the world.I think each TF jorenuy is supposed to be different.I do love him for who he is.It is not in my soul contract to meet or reunite with him In fact by healing myself, I am automatically pulling him to heal though he does not know anything about me. Many TFs have to do the healing path alone but in my case he receives all my healing effortlessly.I would not deny it, My TF is so success and winning oriented that he has this tendency to crush’ others just for it It is one of the reasons he is unaware of the relationship we might battle ourselves (we are both battle oriented: I am the silent dangerous one and he is active dangerous one).About the woman or man matter, I’m not the hippie type I’m more of the street fighter like my TF.There is a level that most lightworkers forget: Your higher self wants you to love and enjoy the material 3D as any other dimension after suppassing LEVEL 7.I have deal with this issue 6 months back I have realised that many who reached Level 7 has a serious problem of being’.The balance of being’ and doing’ has to be triggerred after level 7.
No question this is the place to get this info, thanks y’all.
ovo je suuuperrr